Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Judge Righteous Judgment

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."  John 7:24.  The appearance can be misleading.  God does not judge according to appearance, but rather according to the heart.  We must judge certain doctrines and determine if the doctrine be from God.  We must not believe a teaching that has not been authorized by heaven.  Many false teachings envelope our world, and those doctrines will lead us astray from God.  Only one doctrine or teaching can be right.  We must judge our companions.  Evil companions can corrupt us.  The wrong associates can tarnish our reputation and blemish our character.  One must decide if the actions of another are according to the rules of godliness.  We must judge ourselves to make certain that our conduct is pleasing unto God.  We exert influence and our behavior must be a righteous behavior.  We must teach, associate, and work by the standard that has been given to us from God.  Jesus taught, associated, and worked according to the will of God.  Let us follow that divine example being cautious in that which we believe, cautious in those with whom we associate, and cautious in our activities.  Righteous judgment is from God and He has given a standard that allows us to judge righteous judgment.

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