Thursday, November 19, 2015

Compassion On The Multitude

"I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat."  Mark 8:2.  The multitude had followed Jesus for three days and had listened to Him as He taught them.  Jesus teaches those who will hear and learn.  The desire of this multitude was to hear the words of Jesus.  The words of Christ are vital to the soul of man.  Our soul feeds on His words.  His words give life.  We must have an interest in the spiritual.  While the physical part of man is in need of certain provisions, the soul is in need of the words from heaven.  This multitude followed and listened.  Now, Jesus sees that they need food.  Jesus not only taught, but He cared for those whom He taught.  Jesus was a person who was moved by the needs of individuals.  He was concerned about the difficulties which people faced in their life.  Jesus had a character that was compassionate.  He helped the sick and the disturbed.  Jesus reached out and offered His kindness.  Heaven cares about our soul, but heaven also cares about us.  Jesus is mindful of the pain and affliction in our life.  As we seek the spiritual help of Christ, we can also find that He will help us through the difficulties and hardships because He has compassion.

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