Monday, October 26, 2015

The Devil Is Cunning

"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"  Genesis 3:1.  The garden was a place of perfection.  And yet, the devil entered into the garden and tempted Adam and Eve to sin.  Notice the cunning nature of Satan.  The devil asked a question concerning the very law that God had given.  They could not partake of the fruit of the tree which was in the midst of the garden.  This was the instruction that Adam and Eve had been given by God.  Satan questioned God's commandment.  Has God said?  The devil causes us to question the law which God has given.  Satan does not deceive us into sin by causing us to directly violate God's will.  Satan causes us to question God's will.  Many believe that God does not really mean what He says or that His law has a different interpretation.  This is the cunning scheme that Satan used on Eve.  Satan invited Eve to question God's will.  Did God really say that?  Does God really mean that?  Eve was deceived.  She and Adam followed the cunning scheme of Satan.  Punishment followed.  The devil is cunning.  And, those who are deceived by him are destroyed.

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