Tuesday, October 13, 2015

God Resists The Proud

"But he giveth more grace.  Wherefore, he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble."  James 4:6.  The grace of God is necessary for anyone to be saved.  Without the grace of God, there is no salvation.  The grace of God is necessary for one to remain saved.  Life calls for God's grace.  The Christian life needs help that one cannot supply for himself.  Strength and courage are needed as we strive toward the heavenly goal.  The proud believe in themselves.  They do not seek help because they see no need for help.  They do not seek forgiveness because they do not see themselves as sinners.  Therefore, God resists them.  His grace is not available to the proud simply because they do not seek it.  The humble believe in God.  The humble know that they have sinned.  The humble long for forgiveness knowing that forgiveness can only come from God.   The humble know that God must give help along the journey.  The humble know that heaven is a reward for faithful service.  The humble know that life needs God.  To the humble heart, grace is ever available.

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