Jesus Christ speaks the words of eternal life. The confession of Peter was “thou hast the
words of eternal life.” John 6:68. His words are life because Jesus is the Son
of God. Jesus had said, “the words that
I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” John 6:63.
The testimony of our love for the Lord is our response to His words. “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and
my father will love him and we will come unto him, and make our abode with
him.” John 14:23. We must listen to the words of Jesus for
those very words give us life. Our
journey here is very brief. And so, we
must prepare for the life which is to come.
The words of Jesus prepare us for that life. His words give us hope for the future of our
existence. Our relationship with God is
through the words of Jesus. As we hear
and obey His word, we come to know God and the plan that he has for our
life. His word gives us the instructions
that we need to be the child that He wants us to be. His word provides us with a peace and a
contentment that cannot be found otherwise.
His word lifts our troubled soul and elevates us to a place of calmness
and tranquility. His word will remove
the anxiety and worry from our mind. His
word will purge the impurity from our heart.
His word will cause us to seek Him in all of His purity and grace. His word will enlighten our mind. His word will envelope the life with
joy. His word will cause us to see the
dignity of our own self worth. The
blessings which heaven seeks to bestow upon humanity are found in the words of
Jesus. To what other source would we go
to seek true and lasting wisdom? Only
Jesus has the words of life.
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