Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Rise of Denominations

For the past five to six hundred years, denominationalism has grown and spread like an uncontrollable fire.  Not only do we witness the increase of thousands of religious bodies, but we have mini-bodies within the larger bodies.  Jesus promised that “I will build my church.”  Matthew 16:18.  Instead of seeing only one church, we see multiplied bodies all holding a different position in the religious world.  Instead of the “unity of believers” for which Jesus prayed, we have division and confusion in religious teaching and faith.  There can be but one explanation.  There is a total disregard for the teachings of God.

Not all teachings in religion can be right.  Jesus taught, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves.”  Matthew 7:15.  A wolf will devour and destroy.    False teaching leads away from God.  False teaching establishes concepts that are not Biblical. The scriptures teach that some would “turn from the truth.”  Titus 1:14.  Others would “depart from the faith.”  I Timothy 4:1.  A departure from God and the birth of the “commandments of men” has created denominations.  Men have turned from what is right and divine and have decided to do “what is right in their own eyes.”  Judges 21:25.

Only the Scriptures are right.  The Scriptures are complete and infallible.  Every way which does not have a “thus saith the Lord” is false.  False teachers will continue to come.  False ways will continue to abound.  Therefore, “Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good.”  I Thessalonians 5:21.

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