Sunday, January 18, 2015

Marriage Is Honourable

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."  Hebrews 13:4.  The originator of marriage is God.  Genesis 2:18-22.  Marriage has been ordained of God for the welfare of man.  With the institution of marriage, the human family began.  In the beginning of time, God created man and woman and brought them together in the union of marriage.  This union is not to be dissolved, but rather, marriage is to be honored and nurtured.  Marriage should begin with the understanding that only death should dissolve the union.  As each day passes, husband and wife should grow dearer to one another.  Conflicts may arise that threaten marriage, but the course must be stayed.  Marriage is be built upon a foundation of love and trust.  These ingredients will stabilize and secure the vow of commitment that has been made.  The husband seeks to please his wife, and the wife seeks to please her husband.  I Corinthians 7:33-34.  Self-denial will insure marriage.  In order for marriage to endure, we must have a respect for God and His law that governs marriage.  Husband and wife should have a hope for the future of their lives together, and a hope in the world to come.  How truly wonderful it is to grow old together.  

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