Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The God Who Renews

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."  Psalms 51:10.  David is pleading for forgiveness.  His heart had been corrupted.  His spirit had been defiled.  Sin does that.  Only God can create a clean heart and renew a right spitit.  We are to have hearts that are free from anger, malice, revenge, and hate.  Our spirit is to be free from wrath, filth, falsehood, and covetousness.  We are to have a heart  that is pure, clean, and holy.  We are to have a spirit that loves, forgives, and bestows mercy.  From the fountain of our heart and spirit flow our deeds.  A heart that is tainted will ere soon corrupt the soul.  A spotted spirit will drive one into remorse and guilt.  Hope and joy will be lost.  Purpose will be gone.  An unclean heart is an empty heart.  A wrong spirit wanders aimlessly.  God creates and renews all hearts that are open to Him.  Let us seek His cleanliness and renewal.  Indeed, it makes for a better life.

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