Wednesday, February 5, 2020


"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."  Revelation 22:13.  Jesus Christ in this age is the great I AM.  As God said to Moses when the prophet was called, so is Jesus to his people this day.  All things begin in Jesus and all things end in Jesus.  Jesus Christ controls and oversees all things.  The world and all things therein are under divine authority.  Men may believe that have say so, but this is not the case.  Jesus Christ has all say.  His will and word dominate the universe and all of creation.  We must recognize this authority in our lives.  When he spoke so long ago, the universe responded.  When Jesus Christ lay in the grave, death responded.  No thing nor any power can overcome him.  No enemy can defeat him.  When Jesus Christ speaks in the last hour, all of creation shall bow at his authority.  Knees will bow and tongues will confess.  He is without beginning and he is without end.  His power stretches into the dim unknown.  What man does not know, Christ does.  What man can not do, Christ can.  Before him, nothing existed.  After history is finished, Jesus Christ will stand as the magnificant I AM.

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