"For other foundation can no man lay that that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 3:11. The long standing of the house will be determined by the foundation upon which the house is built. So, the foundation of our spiritual life must be built upon Jesus Christ. The success, happiness, and fulfillment of our life will be permanently set if we build upon Christ. This foundation has already been laid, and no man is to lay a different foundation. Christ is the true foundation. Jesus is the solid foundation. This foundation which has been laid by Jesus Christ is the foundation of redemption and salvation. All hope for eternity must be built in Christ. This foundation is one of assurance and conviction. The foundation will withstand the passage of ages. No storm can destroy it. The winds of doctrinal change cannot alter it. The assualt of Satan cannot undermine it. The foundation has been tested through times gone, and yet, firm and true it stands. The security of the foundation is in the power of the Almighty. The foundation has been laid in the blood of the Savior. Build upon the foundation of Jesus Christ and know joy forevermore.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Jesus, Our High Priest
"Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession." Hebrews 4:14. We can hold fast because Jesus is our high priest. We can continue in the Christian faith because Jesus is our high priest. God has made it so that we can continue to fight and overcome. Burdens will come, but Jesus is our high priest. Satan will assualt us, but Jesus is our high priest. Jesus is a great high priest for he does not serve in our behalf upon the earth, but has passed into the heavens. In the clouds, he ascended unto his heavenly Father, and took his place at the right hand of the throne of God. From that throne, he makes intercession for us. He continually offers his blood as the remedy for all sin. With that blood, he sealed the covenant that declares him as our high priest. His priesthood is greater and far superior to any that existed prior to his being seated on the throne of the Almighty. That throne upon which he sits is established forever. His priesthood is an unchangeable priesthood. None will succeed him. Jesus, the Son of God, is our high priest from now until time shall be no more.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Walk After Him Commandments
"And this is love, that we walk after his commandments.This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it." II John6. To walk is to keep in step with one in submission of heart. The one with whom we are to keep step is Jesus Christ. We are to walk in a manner that others will be able to follow. God's commandments are the guiding light of our journey. We are to be in obedience to God's commandments or His law. To truly love God, we will keep His will. The commandment has been delivered unto us from the beginning. The Christian life begins in the doing of God's law. The law of God is a perfect law. It does not and will not fail. The law will bring prosperity and happiness. Those who love God are loved by Him. He will supply our needs never leaving nor forsaking us. Jesus is a friend that abides, and understands our weaknesses. When we are weak and faint, Jesus brings us power and courage. Keeping the commandments will keep us from sin. God's commandments lead us in a good and right way.. Keeping the commanments will preserve our character, and insure our destiny. Walking in the commandments leads us to heaven to live with God forever.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Peace By Grace
"Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 1:3. Grace is God's gift to the human family. This is because of God's desire that all know him "from the least to the greatest." Without the grace of God and Jesus Christ, we are hopeless. God's grace came in the person of Jesus Christ. However, God's grace must be received. Grace is a gift that is offered, and it brings peace to all who will receive it. The peace of God is an individual consolation of the soul to anyone who is so inclined to accept it. Sin has brought the need for peace. Sin causes division and confusion. God who loves send his grace to create a heart of peace. By grace, we can know forgiveness, and thus, possess peace. Peace by grace brings us into union with God. The barrier of sin is destroyed in Christ. God has reached across the great gulf to make peace. Peace assures us of God as our Father and Jesus as our Lord. Peace comforts us in the storm, and lifts our burdens. Peace lights our way as we walk with our God. Our peace is our confidence of bestowed grace. Peace is our constant reminder of grace bestowed.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
An Altar Unto Sin
"Because Ephraim hath made many altars to sin, altars shall be unto him to sin." Hosea 8:11. Our intent can even become sin unto us. Throughout Old Testament history, altars had been raised so that sacrifices could be offered to other gods. These people clearly understood the purpose of the altar, and they also understood God's rejection of the altar. The altar was erected so that a god other than Jehovah could be worshipped. Why would any people choose to serve a god other than the true and living God? The altar was erected so that they might sin. As a result, the altar had become sin unto them. The knowledge of that which is evil should always be avoided. If not, that which we know to be sin will become sin for us. Our lives are to be ordered accordilng to the divine revelation of the Almighty. Never should the devil be invited into our lives. The devil brings sin. Sin cannot be present in one's relationship with God. Sin is to avoided because of the tremendous power that it possesses. We are always to do what is good and pleasing in the eyes of our God. If we seek to sin, then we will sin. Our intention will always determine our action. When the intent arises, flee as one fleeing from a horrific storm. Destruction sits upon the horizon of our making altars to sin.