Monday, June 4, 2018

He That Overcometh

"He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."  Revelation 21:7.  This final book of scripture deals with adversity and warfare.  God's church is being attacked by the devil.  The church is facing great difficulty.  The church will ultimately prevail, but God's people must continue to be strong.  They must overcome the enemy.  That will bring to them an inheritance from God.  The inheritance will come at the end of the war when victory has been secured.  In this life as the church, we face enemies who oppose God and the Christian way of living.  We must be strong, and continue to stand.  The church has the promise of a great inheritance.  God will own us as His own.  Warfare always brings difficulty and hardship.  The spiritual warfare that we fight as God's people is no different.  We know with surety that the conquest will come, and with the victory a home with God for ever.  The devil has not the power to take from us what God has prepared for us.  Let us fight until the very end so that we enjoy the reward as God's children.

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