Thursday, April 21, 2016

Look On The Things Of Others

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."  Philippians 2:4.  Unity is achieved when we have a care for others.  One who is self-centered will be unable to come together with others.  Jesus demanded self-sacrifice.  The gospel call demands that one be willing to lose his own life.  Self must be left if one is to follow Jesus and become His disciple.  We can not be only concerned with ourselves.  We must see others and their need.  When this admonition to look not on our own things, but look upon the things of others, we will have arrived at self-denial and we will have an understanding of what Jesus did for us.  Jesus looked not upon His own life, but He saw the life of others.  The world is much larger than me.  The church is much larger than me.  The Lord is mindful that only an unselfish attitude can accomplish His will.  As I look upon the things of others, may others look upon my things.  And, the needs of all within the body of Christ are met.  The admonition calls for sacrifice, humility, unselfishness, and compassion.  This is the glorious nature of God's realm.

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