Thursday, April 14, 2016

Abstain From Fornication

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication."  I Thessalonians 4:3.  We are all very much aware of the sexual revolution.  Old customs and laws have been pushed aside, and many, very many, have decided to do as they please.  Marriage is becoming obsolete.  Couples have chosen to live together outside of the sacred vow of marriage.  Infidelity has destroyed countless marriages.  Multitudes of children have been born outside of wedlock.  Males have decided to become females, and females have decided to become males.  We witness same sex marriage.  And yet, still in place is the voice of the divine Creator and Lawgiver with a divine word from heaven that we are to abstain from fornication.  Fornication is sexual immorality.  The word implies all types of sexual perversion.  From such activity, we are to abstain because sexual immorality violates sanctification.  Fornication becomes whoredom.  Fornication pollutes the individual.  It uses a person for self-gratification.  God wants us to abstain from fornication because it is sinful.  God's will calls for purity of body.  Fornication cannot achieve such purity.  It defiles and pollutes.  Those who participate in fornication are unclean.  God says abstain.

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