Monday, June 29, 2015

The Impossible Made Possible

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  Matthew 19:26.  God moves in the realm of the impossible.  There are no limits to His power.  What God wants to be accomplished will be.  With God a world can be destroyed with a flood.  A sea can be parted and His people pass over on dry land.  A shepherd boy with no military experience can take down an enemy with a sling and a stone.   God can provide human redemption with a cross and an empty tomb.  Man seeks power and thinks power.  But, so many ideas and engagements are beyond his ability to preform.  Not so with God.  God empowers.  God is the Almighty.  Bathing in a river cured leprosy.  Fire from heaven devoured the water soaked sacrifice.  A multitude was fed with a picnic lunch.  Jesus has impressed upon His disciples the ability that lies within the hand of God.  Faith is the link to the impossible.  Faith is the connection to the One who moves the world.  The sin that stains can be blotted out.  The enslaved soul can be released.  The heart that is dead can be renewed.  The life without purpose is reborn.  The hopeless become hopeful.  God makes the impossible possible. 

1 comment:

  1. I found these thoughts to be particularly encouraging today. So much in the world right now to cause worry. Matthew 19:26 is very comforting.
