Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Knowing God

"And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments."  I John 2:3.  The whole of the Bible rests upon the foundation of keeping the commandments of God.  God has revealed Himself unto us not only through His creation, but also through His revelation, the Bible.  We know God through the keeping of His commandments.  Later, in this epistle, John will declare that "his commandments are not grievous."  I John 5:3.  Paul, the apostle, stated that presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice is our "reasonable service."  Romans 12:1.  When Jesus invited us to follow Him, He offered a yoke that was easy and a burden that was light.  Matthew 11:30.  Following the commandments of God is not a difficult task because we have His help and strength.  God offers conversation with Him through prayer.  As we read and study the commandments of God, we understand that God wants for us what is best for us.  His commandments make us better.  The commandments of God invite us to live on a higher plane.  His commandments offer us hope and comfort.  We can know that we know God as we keep His commandments.  And to know the sovereign Creator of all things is to possess a knowledge that cannot be surpassed.  Each day should draw us closer unto Him as we learn and keep a law that is greater than all law.  Know God's law.  Keep God's law.  And, know God.

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