Monday, August 6, 2018

The True Light

"That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.  He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not."  John 1:9-10.  Light is necessary for direction.  Light prevents one from stumbling in the darkness.  Light insures that we are on the right path.  Jesus Christ came to be the Light.  He is the Light that directs our way in a world of darkness.  He is the Light that insures our travel that we are in step with God.  He is the Light that prevents our falling.  As the Light, Jesus drives out the darkness of evil from our soul.  Jesus is the Light house of our life offering a safe guard against the dangers that lurk in the darkness.  Jesus is the Light that guides us safely into the harbor of refuge.  With Jesus as our Light, we are secure and guarded against the dangerous pitfalls of Satan.  But, unlike the world, we must know Him.  Jesus must be our Light that shines in our soul.  Light gives joy and peace.  Such is true with Jesus as our Light.

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