Thursday, August 10, 2017

Approve That Which Is Excellent

"That ye may approve things that are excellent."  Philippians 1:10.  We must be very careful in that which we find to be worthy.  Our lives are to possess very defining qualities.  We are to live on a higher plane that the world about us.  We are to seek out only that which is truly wholesome and righteous.  We are to find ourselves only in the company of those who will help us achieve the goal of the excellent.  That which we desire must be that which we truly need.  The things that are excellent in our lives will help us in our relationship with God, and also, our relationship with others.  We must embrace the holy and the pure.  We are to approve only that which will bring us closer to our God, and develop our union with Christ.  We are always to seek out that which is higher and grander.  We must have a vision of our future.  We should understand that we are not just mortals living for a brief time.  That which is excellent is to define our character.  We must know ourselves as those who honor God so that He will always honor us.  Let us set our sight on the best, the noblest, the magnificent, and the majestic.

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