Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Redeeming The Time

What if?  That is a question that might cause us some distress.  What if we had turned right instead of left?  What if we had gone this way instead of that way?  We perhaps give some thought to those concerns, and by doing such, can bring some disturbance into our lives.  We might wonder how our lives would have been different had we made a different decision.  What if Cain had offered an acceptable sacrifice instead of a sacrifice that was unacceptable?  What if Nadab and Abihu had not offered strange fire upon the altar of God?  We see in these examples the cost of bad decisions.  What if Jesus had decided in the garden of Gethsemane that He would not die upon the cross?  The entire destiny of humanity would have been changed.  The past of our life cannot be changed.  There is no consolation in looking back.  We must take life and accept the decisions that we have made and move forward.  If we have made bad choices, we have the opportunity to change our future.  God forgives those who turn unto Him and submit themselves unto His will.  His word offers us the guidance that we need to make good choices in our future.  The events of the past cannot be changed, but we can change our heart.  When we change our heart, we can move into the future of our lives.  When we submit our will to the will of God, we can go forward with confidence and peace.  "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."  Ephesians 5:16.

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