Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Vapor Of Time

"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."  James 4:14.  Would we change how we live our life if we knew what would be on tomorrow?  We count on tomorrow for so many things and yet, we do not have the guarantee that tomorrow will come.  Many have never seen the tomorrow of their lives.  And, it may be that we will not see the tomorrow of our life.  Life is so uncertain.  We even use a phrase, "Here today and gone tomorrow."  Life is so brief.  The journey which we make with our life is so short.  Our years come and go without hardly a notice.  We ask ourselves where the years have gone.  I know that I was once young and now am old, and the journey did not take very long.  Indeed, life is as a vapor.  A vapor comes and quickly goes.  So with the days of our years.  Life is a time to prepare for our future.  As earthly life vanishes, the future is yet to be.  We grow old and feeble in body, but we were born for another day and time.  Let us know that we will not be here for very much longer.  Let us cherish the moment.  Let us prepare to embark upon that eternal voyage.

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