Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our Help And Shield

"O Israel, trust thou in the Lord: he is their help and their shield.  O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord: he is their help and their shield.  Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: he is their help and their shield."  Psalm 115:9-11.  Our trust in God will yield unto us the blessing of His help.  We are not asked to trust in the material aspects of our world, but rather, we are asked to trust in God.  The material things of the world perish, but God abides.  The Lord, which made heaven and earth, wants us to trust Him.  In trust, we yield ourselves unto Him.  In trust, we believe the word which He has spoken.  Trust leads to fear.  To fear God is not to be afraid of God, but rather, give reverence unto Him.  Our fear of God gives Him our heart.  We recognize His faithfulness, His power, and His love.  The fear of the Lord will bring us to obedience of His will.  As an obedient servant, we are given His protection and care.  We are given a shield against the adversities, the burdens, and the temptations of life.  With this shield, we can overcome, defeat, and destroy the enemy.  This help and shield allows us to know joy and peace; confidence and hope; patience and security.  If we want God to help, we must trust God.  If we want God to provide us with a shield in the face of battle, we must fear God.  God is, and will, forever be a help and shield unto those who trust and fear Him.

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