Thursday, April 30, 2020

Commandments That Turn Us

"Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men that turn from the truth."  Titus 1:14.  There is God's truth and man's truth.  Survey the religious landscape.  What do we see?  Do we see one faith as the Bible teaches?  Do we see one body of believers who share the same faith system?  The answer is no.  We see various faiths, and vast division because of those faiths.  Rather than seeing one church, we see a multitude of churches teaching different plans of salvation and different views of worship.  But, Jesus faced those who did not share his teachings and refused to believe what he taught.  Remember that Jesus has all authority.  If Jesus has all authority, then man has no authority.  All doctrines mut be of God and all teachings must be of God.  We are not to hear the commandments of men for they will turn one away from the truth.  A person can not follow truth and error at the same time.  God has revealed his truth so that we can examine all teachings and determine what is right.  Only the truth can save and turn one away from sin.  The doctrines of men have no value.  The doctrines of men are only empty teachings that destroy the souls of those who believe them.  Do not give heed to a teaching that has not come from God.

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