Friday, February 7, 2020

Overcome Evil

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."  Romans 12:21.  We are presented with the truth that in our world there are those who are evil and those who are good.  Evil comes by the hand of Satan.  Good comes by the hand of God.  Those who seek the good have an influence of driving out the evil.  We must turn away from evil, and always seek the good.  We must do good, even in a world where evil abounds.  Our Lord was truly an example of always doing good.  Even when he was mistreated and abused, he never retaliated in an evil way.  Even in the hour when he could have called down angels to destroy the Roman court, he did what was good.  Evil can only be driven out by doing good.  Good people acting in a good way is a source of changing the world and culture of our time.  Evil seeks to destroy our lives and corrupt our hearts.  We must overcome the temptation to perform in such a manner.  There must always be an action on our part.  We will either do what is evil, or we will do what is good.  Evil degrades while good enriches.  Our time will only be better when evil is overcome with good.

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