Thursday, May 4, 2017

Do Any Seek God

"The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand and seek God."  Psalm 14:2.  God is in heaven, and He looks upon us.  God beholds all of our deeds, whether those deeds be good or bad.  God does not look from heaven to see our wealth and our achievement.  God does not look from heaven to behold our strides in medicine and education.  God looks from heaven to see if we understand and seek Him.  God is not sought without understanding.  We must understand that we are His creation, and that He is God.  We must understand that we have a duty toward Him.  We are to understand that He is the Giver of all blessings.  We are to understand that service to Him is the height of all of our accomplishment.  God looks upon us with an eye of intent.  He beholds with patience and love.  God desires our heart and our devotion.  We are to understand that we are but pilgrims on a journey that is brief.  With that understanding, let us seek Him and know Him as the One who can bless, but also curse.

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